A MUST READ – Here Are The Many Shades Of “No”: Different Ways Ladies Turn Down Advances

When you first meet a woman, one of the things she might say is: I’m not looking for a relationship.
One of the reasons a woman says this is that a lot of guys come on so heavy when they meet her. They start talking about girlfriends.
They start talking about dating and all this other stuff, and she starts thinking: This guy is needy. This guy has no confidence and is weak.
Women come up with generic responses to these situations, because most guys will not take no for an answer. The women will reject them, because they start to feel like they will lose their freedom if they start dating them.
Another thing about women that you have to understand is that they are never going to say: I don’t like you. I am not attracted to you, and I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last man on earth. Very few women are blunt enough to respond to a man’s advances in this way.
The reason most women will not directly tell you they are not interested in you is because men have pretty much made them that way.
When a man has met a woman and is really into her, he will ask for her phone number. If she is not into him, she could say: I’m sorry, but I’m not interested.
Too many times, the typical man’s response is something along the lines of: What do you mean you’re not interested? If she replies: I’m just not interested.
He will often push the issue: What do you mean? Are you saying you don’t like me? At this point she is getting uncomfortable, and she tries to explain: Well, you’re just not the type of guy I would normally date.
He, in turn, starts to become indignant about it: What does that mean? I’m not good enough for you? I’m not good looking enough for you?
How do you ever get anybody to go out with you if you have that kind of attitude? It’s pretty arrogant and weak, don’t you think? Every woman has met a guy that has acted that way in her life.
The guys won’t take “no” for an answer, so she, indirectly, is hoping that he will get the hint and understand the “secret language” that she is speaking to him. Women are emotional beings and simply don’t want to hurt your feelings or create an awkward moment.
Instead, she uses a roundabout way of saying: I’m really not interested. Women will even sometimes give you their number, because they do not want to lie to you, but they also want to avoid the typical man’s confrontational behavior.
They know that later, through voice mail, they can just screen you out, and hopefully, you will get the hint and go away.
If they think you may be a real nuisance, they may even give you a wrong number. That brings another point to mind: When a woman gives you a number, don’t stand there and call it to see if it is a legitimate number. Some guys will actually do this. It is so needy and insecure.
What it says to her is: I really don’t think I am good enough to take you out, and I don’t really think you are interested in me.
I want to make sure, right in front of you, that you are not lying to me. Right away, you are telling her that you don’t even trust her. Just confidently text yours to her as you’re standing there so she has it, and tell her you are doing it.
At that point, you are done, even if she gave you a real number to begin with. You just lowered her attraction level, and it may have been high to start with.
When you eventually do call her, you are going to find out whether she likes you or not. After all, who cares? You don’t want to waste your time and energy by going out and getting emotionally hung up on a woman that has no interest in you.
You only want to spend your time with a woman that has a high attraction level, because she will make it easy to date her, and she will be a lot more fun when you do. You will not have to work so hard.
